NEW! Video recorder for NDT Inspectors

There comes a time in every suppliers’ life when a customer asks for something that is not available. Normally there are good commercial reasons for this – there is a very limited market and sales would not cover the cost of development is a common one. However every now and then this conversation gets repeated with a number of customers until the realisation dawns that there is an untapped market out there – and then the company can look at at it one of two ways – like the two shoe salesmen arriving at a tropical island – one rings back to the office saying the visit is a dead loss – nobody wears shoes here, and the  other calls in excitedly, saying its a whole untapped opportunity! Following such a conversation with a customer in England, followed smartly by similar conversations in South Africa and again in Scotland, viZaar Industrial Imaging AG (represented in the UK by Crimson Industrial Vision Ltd) determined to create a video recording unit dedicated to video inspection in the field.

The original specification was for a digital recording unit to be able to accept standard video inputs from any camera, and record this to a hard drive in an industry standard format. However customers were specific about the additonal features they needed – some wanted to be able to compress the video to save space, others wanted a lossless recording format to maintain integrity. Some wanted to be able to add text to the images, others did not need this, and then some needed to be able to run the unit away from a power source, using batteries, others only needed mains power and many customers mentioned the need to retain the data run even when the mains power dropped out.

After a relatively short development and testing period, viZaar has launched the INVIZ MATRIX, capable of all the above and more! Inspired by the capacious and feature-rich capability of their class leading video End0scope, the INVIZ VUMAN family, the INVIZ matrix is supplied with:

  • a 320 GB HDD,
  • 1024 x756 pixel, trans-reflective touchscreen command and display module,
  • and is capable of running on either mains power (90-250VAC, 50-60Hz) or battery power, and should mains power be lost for any reason, the in-build UPS will automatically continue the recording run – ensuring data integrity.
  • ability to store images as BMP or JPEG, and movies as AVI or MPEG, user selectable
  • complete Text Generation overlay capability
  • the ability to accept inputs in Composite Video or S-Video format. Data can be stored onto the on-board HDD (that can be removed to transfer data to anothet PC, or via a USB 2.0 connection.
  • Controls for the INVIZ BIG and PIPE cameras

Shipping now, the INVIZ MATRIX is available from Crimson Industrial Vision in the UK – for more information click here or call us on +44 (0)1892 539503.